The Challenges with Global Sourcing
Often people think they can use services like google translate that translate words but are often left confused and agitated when they don't fully understand. On top of that, mistakes in communication lead to poor product quality, loss of customers, and loss of money for both sides. With every language comes its own set of idioms and dialects that vary from region to region and have different cultural practices.
Companies have also been found to subcontract the work to a third party. You'll think you have your factories produced from one factory, but in reality they come from another area or region. Some factories might also use other factories in their process when they only produce a certain part, for example, a bike frame.
Production Process
Companies face a daunting task tracking their products in the production process. They face factories that won't reply in a timely manner, won't be able to reach a representative when there's a problem, have unexpected delays, not being able to have their products quality checked, or are unable to make the changes they need.
When negotiating too aggressively on factories, companies might push them below the point of making a profit. In that case, the factory might use lesser quality material in the production process and not meet your standards. They might also be inconsistent in the quality they produce even with the right materials.